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It is with great pleasure that I sit here today, the penultimate sitting of the First Legislative Arm of the SSHA. It’s been over a year since our inauguration by the Dean, Prof.

 Agbozu on Aug 7th last year, and I must say I am proud of the accomplishment of NASS over this period of time. Over the course of our tenure, we have worked with the Executive Council (EC) and have built NASS into a force that can be reckoned with in the institution, making sacrifices along the way both big and small. We have achieved our share of success, and to the glory of God minimal occurrence of failure.
Nonetheless, it’s time to pass on the baton, and today is that day. I am indeed filled with pride, as this day has come.

It is the mark of anyone who truly understands democracy, to look forward to the day he hands over power with the same enthusiasm as the day when he was handed power. I still maintain that enthusiasm.

Due attention must be paid to the constitution, as it is the law book that binds us as one. Special care was taken by my administration to ensure it is in the hands of EVERY SINGLE science student as we made the first move to upload it online on our website. The constitution must be paid attention to and due process must be observed. I plead with you, that you have the interest of the general science students at heart. Ensure all actions taken are for the benefit of the association, the college and general science students, without corruption and prejudice, a virtue which I, alongside other house members strove for during the course of our time at the helm of affairs. Do not deviate from our aims and objectives as captured in the constitution.

During our time at the helm of affairs, we worked with the EC with Students welfare at the core, and we were never intimidated by them. We demanded explanations for all of their actions, we summoned the president or any member of the EC when matters were not clear to us. We demanded accountability in all sphere including financially. Always remember the provisions of the constitution in ARTICLE IX, Section 4, that carefully spells out your power and don’t forfeit that power for any reason to anyone or to the Executive Council(EC) because the College of Science depends on you. Always remember ARTICLE IX, section 4, sub-section I as stated the SSHA is to ” Be the highest policy making body of the Association and shall have power to make regulations for the peace, order and good governance of the Association.” and consider this your primary aim.

I am proud to have fought a good fight, ran a good race, and finished my course but what delights me the most is that I am today passing the baton to the next generation.
Please run with great care, the race set before you. Discharge your duties in utmost good faith, as sacrifices were made for you to be here today. Do not abuse your power, but serve with the interest of the students at heart. I
wish you all the best. 

God bless the college of science, God bless FUPRE, and God be with you.

**Transcript of the handover speech delivered by Rt. Hon. Ifejianyi Tochi, the Speaker of the First Legislative arm, Science Students House of Assembly on the occasion of the Penultimate/Inaugural Sitting of the old and new assembly respectively on September 14, 2018.*

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