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To All Fupre College of Science Students

The time is right for us to take the National Association of Science Students (NASS), Fupre Chapter forward.

For the very first time the association has a legislative arm, for the very first time we have a website (even though there is room for improvement), for the very first time we have an official facebook group, for the very first time we have a dedicated email address (nassfupre@gmail.com).

And I would like to believe that I speak for everyone, when I say we want to add more to the list of what we are doing for the very first time.

This is why we need your ideas, this is why we need your support, this is why we need to know ourselves. Lets come together and make a better NASS, because if we don’t do it….. no one will.

How Can I Help?

We Need Your Ideas: The association has made it easy for you to communicate your ideas to NASS officials, by making the phone numbers and departments of almost all officials available on the website (nassfupre.blogspot.com). So you can easily contact them to share your ideas.

We Need Your Support: The association needs your support in whatever form, whether moral of financial. I believe the best way to support morally is to encourage our officials, while the best way to support financially is to pay your dues.

We Need To Know Ourselves: You cant win a match if you don’t know your best players, there is something you can do that NASS needs, there is something you can showcase to boost the image of NASS. Join the facebook group today (link is below the post), Lets get to know ourselves, and lets talk of how we can move NASS forward.

Hon. Oteri Avwunudiogba
Representing Physics

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